“Congratulations on your 20th year at Outreach Project. Not only did you spend 2 decades helping OTI become, in my opinion, one of the best clinical training services around, but you have been influential in helping countless CASAC-T’s in ‘becoming’ – myself included! The one statement that I heard during my training with you that stood out more than any other was the one about identifying who I really am, and how to become who I was created to be. Your holistic approach to recovery emphasized how important the spiritual component of the ‘bio-psycho-social-spiritual aspect of recovery is I am eternally grateful that I met you when I did and had a chance to be influenced by such a wonderful human being as yourself.”
“Mr. Armiento, my life has really been impacted by your presentations at OTI, and as a result I am truly evolving as a person, first and foremost, but also as a professional in the field of addiction. I greatly appreciate your approach to teaching, and the authenticity you offer as a person. You will always remain one of a few mentors I’ve adopted during my life’s journey. I wish I had the complete vocabulary to truly express to what extent our brief encounter has shifted my being, and level of energy. I want to take this time to thank you for your guidance in finding this wonderful path I am on today. You’re a great person, and sincerely in my eyes, a master. Again, I can’t thank you enough for the formal introduction to “Waldo”.”
“Our family has been blessed to have Mark in our lives. I have chosen a word that sums up various meanings of who and what Mark evokes in our lives: wonderful.
W – Wonderful and willing
O – Objective and outstanding
N – Never underestimate the powers of who you are
D – Dynamic and dad
E – Easygoing and expert
R – Refreshing and religious
F – Fantastic, friendly, farsighted and family man
U – Understanding and uniting
L – Love, laughter and live life to the fullest”
“It’s really amazing when I think about the positive impact you have had on SO MANY people. Do you ever think about that? You are truly blessed and are an inspiration for many. I hope that you never lose sight of that. By the way, I also thank you for your light in my life. You HAVE made a difference! I like to tell people what they mean to me while they are alive; in my opinion, that’s when it matters most. We may not cross paths frequently, but you have left an imprint inside of me that can’t be erased. Shine on!”
“I enrolled in the Pioneer class and first met Mark on the opening day of OTI at St. Anthony’s in Woodhaven in 1997. From that day on I knew that I was on a journey of a lifetime, embarking on a career that would prove to be rewarding beyond all expectations. Mark’s passion for his work and vast knowledge of the disease of addiction inspired me and everyone in our class to learn all that we could from him. Mark’s style allowed us to understand, absorb and retain complex theories and use this information to engage and treat clients in a way that proved to be enjoyable and therapeutic. The most important lesson I learned from Mark was to ‘take care of ourselves.’ Mark always said that we could not effectively treat a client and work in the field if we personally were not ‘walking the walk.’ No truer words were ever said. Mark is a consummate professional who inspires all who come into contact with him. I am proud to call Mark my friend and colleague and thank him for all he has given to me and to the field. The journey continues…”
“I am empowered!! … Mark inspired me in so many ways; spiritually, emotionally & intellectually. He reached me with a depth of knowledge I have never before experienced and now feel more confident about entering the counseling field. Keep doing what you’re doing – You are an inspiration in my life and a remarkable lecturer.”
“I have to say that I learn so much from your classes. You are phenomenal at what you do and how you teach. There are times that I am learning and times that I feel like I am receiving therapy and I just want to cry … Thank God you are in this field and thank you, Mark, for teachings. Respectfully,”
“I believe that Mark Armiento unveils the value of spirituality in recovery, which should become the model and primary focus for treatment modalities servicing persons seeking freedom from addictive behaviors. Mark proves that over time, with the right mind set and a belief that there is more, people do transform their lives permanently.
I have seen and experienced personally a transformation in my own perception about life and my ability to really achieve my goals after being exposed to Mark and his Spirituality lectures. My classmates have all expressed inspirational transformation and perception changes because of Marks message of spirituality- they now look at their clients differently! Mark’s teachings about Spirituality in Recovery make it easy for people like myself, to shout to the world, “this is it!”- Here is where you can find the answers to questions you’ve been asking all your life – Here is where you can find the first day of the rest of your life. The hope in Mark’s selflessness equips students with a message that brings light to a world of darkness and instructs future therapists to help people find their true selves and achieve their life’s potential.”
“Mark changed my life!! He is an amazing spiritual force – mentor – guide. There wasn’t a lecture where I didn’t leave class teary eyed. I hope that I can carry his message out into the field. His lectures on NLP changed my life. He helped me find WALDO. Mark is a special person and I hope that you can in some special way recognize him for the gift he gave me and my peers at OTI.”
“I’d like to thank you – for if you ever feel you don’t know what you’ve done for someone in life, just know you have created something so amazing and through it myself, along with many others have been blessed. It’s like a re birth. God bless you and your family. Truly thank you, forever indebted.”
“During my 23+ year career as a transition counselor, working with sentenced adolescents at an alternative high school on Rikers Island and then as a corrections outreach worker working with HIV-positive inmates at Nassau County Jail, I have written, presented and taken more training hours than I can count. But I have never experienced the caliber of an instructor as Mark. Every one of Mark Armiento’s classes continues to resonate with me and is helping me be a better person and counselor; in short it is helping me find balance in every aspect of my life. Mark is by far the very best that the Outreach Training Institute has to offer!”
“In his teachings, I learned to value my life and to believe that hope was for everyone. Mark brings to the broken, the realization that cultivating kindness promotes acceptance, peace, freedom and happiness. Marks shows us that we can learn to be spiritual, we can learn to pay attention in the present moment and more importantly, we can change our habitual patterns our vulnerabilities to automatic reactions based on past experiences of hurt. Mark shows us that too often we’re on auto pilot, not even paying attention to what is actually happening in in the present, just responding to triggers that cause us to react automatically and defensively respond. The way Mark presents, it allows one to engage more fully with ones emotions and experiences. He shows us the infinite possibilities if we allow ourselves to hear and forgive and more forward without judgement for past actions that cannot be changed. I am forever indebted to Mark Armiento for the light he shed on my life and empowerment received from his message.”
“Once again, I have to thank you, Mark, for making a huge impact in my life. OTI made the right move by hiring you teach the initial class in September because you instantly ignited my craving to learn. The class loves you! I’m sure I will see you again at a book signing…. It’s been a great experience learning from you. You’re the Michael Jordan of OTI!!!”
“What I have achieved has changed my life. I will never be the same! My changes are not cosmetic, rather they are rooted in my soul. I am so thankful to you Mark. Nothing has awoken me more than what I have learned during our time together. How do you thank a person for helping you not only get back your life, but helping you find a meaningful one? I will honor and thank you by living a life that exemplifies what I have learned.”
“Thank you for giving me the much needed information about myself. It has been a true learning experience. and a priovelge to sit in your class. When I came to OTI, you inspired me to find 1 thing that I really wanted to change and I did. I lost a total of 37 pounds and it all started because of you. All I can say is I am grateful, grateful, grateful to you!”
“I will never be able to express how Mark has impacted my life! Mark, I thank you so much. I have changed my life so dramatically. I literally did a 360. As a man/mentor, I admire you and look up to you. As a teacher, you have installed that yearning to learn more. My mind, body, and soul has been awakened!”
“Mark – you especially fill my heart and soul. I am so grateful that god placed you there at the time. The spiritual feeding is what I have been missing from my life all these years. So that you… thank you so much for helping me. I do want to express to you my deepest appreciation and tell you that you’ve changed my life forever. You are wonderful person and I’m privileged to have known you, and even thought it was for five months, you will last a lifetime in my memories.”
“I just want to express my deepest appreciation for the profound knowledge and skills you impart. I was really moved by the spirituality session last week and the way it impacted me as a pastor and human being. I pastor a main line congregational church. My ability to execute and articulate the scripture has taken a different shape. I learned some great truths from you which I did not get from my seminary. Thank you very much and and God bless you.”
“Mark opened up my eyes with the concept that I am making choice based on past hurts, past experiences and therefore, repeating negative life patterns. Mark showed me that I did not have to be a slave to my thoughts, that I could change my perception and life a postiice, focused healthy life if I allowed myself to. I’m eating to live and be healthy. I excercise regularly. I fel gfreeat and I am changing my person choices not only in food but in how I approach relationships and even my marriage. Thank you for clearinfg the fog from my thoughts. I really love the classes you teach and the curriculum you designed for OTI.”