The Gift of Mr. Armiento
I can express the extreme gratitude of such presence of Mr. Armiento but it doesn’t express totally the unwavering gift of having him in your life and experiencing the changes that not only he is a supportive host of but the genuine backbone when it comes to understanding, and hearing your voice. He helps you move through your fears and pushes your strengths like a beautiful symphony. He teaches you to shine your light as a star on a dark night. He won’t give up on you and surely under his watch won’t allow you to give up on yourself. His wealth of information in not only empowering but also inspiring. If you grant him your ears he will guide you in seeing how life should appear. He is like a shower washing away all your insecurities making u even better for a new presentation of you and a more positive outlook on ur future. You never have to guess if he is there because the reflection of his work is represented seeing yourself arrive in the driver seat of your life. He is your coach, your support system, a friend and one of your cheering fans. He takes his work seriously and will not leave u and will be a encore with you in your life’s performance toward the greatest show ever. Having him in your life will be a memory you will never forget.