Everyone has the realization that the things that have been in one’s life are just not right or those things just don’t work any more. My personal journey with Mark happened this past year and it was one that I wished happened much sooner. But sometimes you just don’t realize the tremendous pain that you are in until the pain slowly passes and you get that ultimate epiphany of self awareness only to ask yourself, “Why did you put up with all that?” But you soon realize such because you found a compassionate and empathetic individual such as Mark who enables you to process that pain, direct it to an inner peace where you can safely express that pain, and then ultimately have the voice to continue working on yourself to be whom you have always meant to be. While I have been going through a tumultuous divorce and having my children who have had their own personal issues of their own, Mark has exhibited the grace of unwavering faith and trust as no other person that I have ever met. His guidance, knowledge, and commitment to helping me and my family have been incredulous and miraculous. He has an innate ability to help you discover the cause of your unhappiness and while you may think it is insurmountable, you find that peace and happiness that you have been searching for and the reason that you went to see him in the first place. God has blessed Mark with this ability. Although, I often call Mark and describe Mark as my “guru”, I am truly blessed to call him my friend.